Bachelor of Science

Information Security

Defend the digital future!

Searching for vulnerabilities

Learn to actively look for weak points, understand them and close them. There are weak points in hardware, software, protocols or even in the design of systems or in the flow of processes.

Securing systems

Learn to secure systems, for example with modern attack detection or cryptography. For example, digital attacks can be quickly detected and stopped with the help of artificial intelligence.

Security management

Take the human factor into account and learn how to maintain security in a company. There are many IT security tasks that need to be coordinated and checked on a regular basis.


With increasing digitalization, the dependence of companies and people on information technology increases. A reliable and securely functioning IT infrastructure forms the backbone of our society. The bachelor's program in information security uses application-oriented teaching on a scientific basis to turn students into holistic experts in information security. The course teaches both technical and management-related skills.

Graduates can work in a company in operational professions (e.g. penetration tester, cyber security analyst, ...) or in management positions in information security (e.g. information security officer, security auditor, ... ). Students will be able to recognize security-relevant problems, analyze them in a business context and mitigate them with the help of suitable technical, physical, organizational or personnel measures. The content of the course is based on the increasing complexity of a networked IT infrastructure in companies and particularly includes the “human factor” as part of the security strategy. Furthermore, the latest topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain technologies or threat intelligence are also included.

If you choose a career in information security, you will have both good job prospects and a likely high salary compared to other IT industries. There are also many additional, exciting offers in the area of research.

The application deadline for the winter semester 2024/2025 runs from May 1st, 2024 to June 15th, 2024. There are no admission restrictions.


Studying information security at THWS combines solid basic knowledge of practical, technical and theoretical computer science with practical training. The content and structure of the course enable students to quickly familiarize themselves with numerous existing and future areas of computer science. The first four semesters serve to teach the basics in the areas of computer science and information security. The obligatory practical phase then follows in the fifth semester. In the sixth and seventh semesters, more specific modules in the area of IT security are offered. Furthermore, three elective modules (FWPM) must be chosen from the faculty’s offerings.

Overview modules in the Bachelor program Information Security

Semester 1-4

In the first four semesters you will learn the necessary basics and dive deep into the topic of information security.

Basics of algorithms and data structures

 technical module Level:

1. Semester



  • Stylistics and aesthetics of programming
  • Techniques for algorithmic problem solving
  • Techniques for controlling complex systems
  • Recursion and abstraction
  • Processing algorithmic questions

Programming 1

erstes Semester technical module Level:

1. Semester



  • Procedural programming in the Java language
  • Elementary constructs and essential instructions
  • Methods, recursion, arrays, complex data types
  • Object orientation, classes, methods, visibility
  • Multidimensional arrays, reference types, garbage collector


erstes Semester technical module Level:

1. Semester



  • Basic concepts (e.g. relational data model)
  • Data modeling and SQL
  • Design and implement database solutions
  • Data storage in software architectures
  • Database technologies and scalability


erstes Semester mathematical module Level:

1. Semester



  • Linear systems of equations, vectors, dot product
  • Matrices, inverse matrices, linear independence
  • Linear mapping, eigenvalues, eigenvectors
  • Modulo calculus, extended Euclidean algorithm
  • Euler-Fermat theorem, RSA encryption method

Foundations of Information Security

erstes Semester security module Level:

1. Semester



  • General questions from information security
  • Raising awareness of security issues
  • Examples from companies and known incidents
  • Development of necessary IT basics (operating systems, networks, ...)
  • Introduction to scripting languages

Social Engineering and Security Awareness

erstes Semester security module Level:

1. Semester



  • Role of the human factor in information security
  • Psychological tricks from social engineers
  • Targeted sensitization of employees
  • Design and impact of awareness measures
  • Personnel measures and security-compliance

Internet Communication

zweites Semester technical module Level:

2. Semester



  • ISO-OSI basic reference model, Internet model
  • Basics of transmission technology (principles of channel coding)
  • Networks (Ethernet, WLAN), protocols (TCP/IP)
  • Connection-oriented vs. connectionless
  • Basics of IT security (VPN, security protocols)

Programming 2

2. Semester technical module Level:

2. Semester



  • Concepts of object-oriented programming
  • Object-oriented Java programs, partial solutions
  • Software system testing
  • Polymorphism and types
  • Class libraries and patterns

Allgemeinwissenschaftliches Wahlpflichtmodul (AWPM)

zweites Semester enrichment module Level:

2. Semester



  • Non-subject-specific knowledge and skills that can be important for the desired career goal
  • e.g. B. special knowledge of foreign languages, in natural sciences or in social science areas

Foundations of Cryptography

zweites Semester mathematical module Level:

2. Semester



  • Number theory basics and modular arithmetic
  • Primality tests and discrete logarithm calculations
  • Mathematical foundations of sym. and asym. cryptosystems
  • Complexity and methods of cryptanalysis

Penetration Testing

zweites Semester security module Level:

2. Semester



  • Penetration testing process including job profile
  • Understanding and applying popular vulnerabilities
  • Post-exploitation and lateral movement
  • Legal basis and framework conditions
  • Assessment of vulnerabilities with reporting

ISM-Standards and Processes

zweites Semester security module Level:

2. Semester



  • Structure of information security management standards, maturity models
  • Creation of information security concepts
  • Organizational security measures, metrics
  • Incident response and business continuity
  • Audits of security concepts

Mobile Systems and Applications

drittes Semester technical module Level:

3. Semester



  • Basics of mobile platforms and techniques
  • Mobile techniques: Cross-platform and web development vs. native development, development frameworks
  • Mobile applications: business and application scenarios, e-commerce, economic analysis
  • Outlook for new technologies

Backend Systems

drittes Semester technical module Level:

3. Semester



  • Architecture of client/server and P2P systems
  • Client/server systems, HTTP (REST and RPC)
  • Programming a 3-layer architecture
  • Quality assurance through automated tests
  • Scalability of distributed systems
  • Authentication and authorization protocols

Business and IT law

drittes Semester organizational module Level:

3. Semester



  • General contract law
  • Special contract law with regard to IT
  • Basic principles of copyright law
  • Overview of relevant areas of intellectual property protection
  • Internet law and data protection law

IT project management

drittes Semester organizational module Level:

3. Semester



  • Introduction to project and project management, project organization
  • Project management methods, processes and tools
  • Project calculation, control, monitoring and completion
  • Agile project management with Scrum

Security Engineering

drittes Semester security module Level:

3. Semester



  • Applied cryptography (hashing, sym. and asym. encryption)
  • Secure design of systems and protocols
  • Protocols (TLS, TOR, Kerberos, VPN…)
  • Challenge-response protocols and zero-knowledge proofs
  • Authentication and authorization

Governance, Risk, Compliance and Ethics

drittes Semester security module Level:

3. Semester



  • Responsibilities of information security in companies
  • Organization, CISO, ISB and Co.
  • Risk orientation and risk management, threat analysis
  • Safety culture and ethical issues
  • Relevant laws and legal framework

Innovation management and founding

viertes Semester organizational module Level:

4. Semester



  • Regional and intra-company ecosystems
  • Teams, team processes and team-building methods
  • Intra- and entrepreneurship, basic business plan
  • Tax, legal and economic components
  • Design thinking and value proposition

Frontend Systems

viertes Semester technical module Level:

4. Semester



  • Programming of web applications
  • Introduction to current frameworks, e.g. E.g. Vue.js, Angular
  • Communication to the backend
  • UX/UI and principles for interface design
  • Secure implementation and testing

Programming project

viertes Semester team module Level:

4. Semester



  • Independent development of an application in groups three or more people
  • Documentation, overall overview, use cases
  • Activity and sequence diagrams
  • Presentation of results

Computer architecture

viertes Semester technical module Level:

4. Semester



  • Structure and operation of computing systems
  • How different computer architectures work
  • Performance evaluation
  • Machine commands
  • Embedded systems

Security Operations

viertes Semester security module Level:

4. Semester



  • Technical implementation of IT security concepts in companies
  • Firewalls, intrusion detection systems, proxies
  • Security monitoring and protection mechanisms
  • Tasks of the Security Operations Center (SOC)
  • Secure programming

Expertise and Communication

viertes Semester security module Level:

4. Semester



  • Effects and methods of communication tailored to the target group
  • Collaboration and internal corporate communication
  • Didactics, learning methods, awareness-raising
  • Information security topics

Semester 5-7

In the higher semesters you get to know a company, specialize in certain topics and finally write your Bachelor thesis.

Practical module

höhere Semester team module Level:

5. Semester



  • Independent work in a company
  • Project phases of a larger IT project
  • Duration at least 12 weeks)
  • Insight into different departments and areas

Soft and Professional Skills

höhere Semester team module Level:

5. Semester



  • Team building, moderation techniques
  • Body language
  • Emergence of conflicts and their resolution
  • Principles of factual negotiation

Fachwissenschaftliche Wahlpflichtmodule

höhere Semester security module Level:

6./7. Semester



  • Building in-depth skills
  • Various changing offers from the faculty
  • e.g. online marketing, big data and analytics
  • e.g. autonomous cars, socioinformatics
  • e.g. augmented and virtual reality (...)

Threat Intelligence

höhere Semester security module Level:

6. Semester



  • Threat detection and assessment
  • Cybercrime scenarios
  • Motivation of attackers
  • Technical analysis of malware
  • Threat intelligence platforms

Digital Forensics

höhere Semester security module Level:

5. Semester



  • Incident response with playbooks
  • Digital forensics on various media
  • Preparation of results and reporting
  • Compromise assessments


höhere Semester team module Level:

6. Semester



  • Teamwork (at least three students)
  • Larger software development project
  • Optionally also other tasks

Blockchain Technologies

höhere Semester security module Level:

7. Semester



  • Basics of Blockchain and Smart Contracts
  • Solidity programming language
  • DApps for Ethereum
  • Secure blockchain applications

AI and Security

höhere Semester security module Level:

7. Semester



  • AI to improve information security (detection)
  • AI to improve security testing (e.g. scanning)
  • Security-relevant problems of AI technologies and attacks on AI systems (e.g. data poisoning, backdoors, adversarial samples…)

Bachelor thesis

höhere Semester bachelor module Level:

7. Semester



  • Own studies and research into the state of the art and science in the respective subject area
  • Basic principles of scientific work
  • presentation of results

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